QR Code Scams: Nancy: “… they take you directly to a place, a website, and you don’t really know where your goin’ till you get there Hank”.

1st September 2023

Nancy: “… they take you directly to a place, a website, and you don’t really know where your goin’ till you get there Hank”.


(link to soundcloud / Radio Worcester)


America’s Better Business Bureau is running an awareness campaign on North American radio and TV warning people about malicious QR codes and how to avoid them.

The BBB advice, in the end, is to “trust your gut”. Which would be good advice if you are on a date, but not very good for data security, protecting your phone and everything on it from getting hacked.

We developed Countermark to reliably and securely attach data to physical objects, so far including beef, locks, metal plate and tubes, fish, car parts, electrical components, 3D printed prototypes, paper and PDF training certificates.

Countermarking these items gives you full traceability and protects against counterfeiting and grey market diversion, and it doesn’t expose your customers to QR based fraud.

So, if you are developing a system, and you want to keep the system users safe from QR fraud check our website Countermark.com





(Picture credit – copy of audio link page from soundcloud website)